Thursday, December 9, 2010

Team Pink!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. But I just wanted to start with telling everyone that it's a girl!!!

We are very excited because it just makes the whole experience more real.
We're finally starting to buy things for the nursery and after realizing how little room we have with about 20% of the baby stuff, we knew that it was time to start house shopping again.

Home Shopping
Well, we went to look at about 4 homes and fell in love with one. We loved it so much, we placed an offer. Unfortunately, the seller is now pending with another buyer, but if they fall through, we are the next on the list. So now the house hunting continues.

Yes, all of my wonderful energy is now gone. For the past week, I have felt like a zombie all day long. I have so little energy that I haven't even been to the gym all week to workout.
On and on top of the lack of energy I have, I am experiencing hot flashes. These aren't really hot flashes because they never go away! I thought this was supposed to the be the honeymoon period?

Yet again, I think I must be oblivious or not really know what a kick feels like because I don't feel a thing. I had Dan place his head next to my belly and he was able to hear her kick and move around. Boo

This is a picture of my ginormous belly, partially resembling a planet. Also pictured here is Roxy, she is my brother's English Bulldog. A great perk at working here is that we can bring dogs into work.

Friday, November 19, 2010

And the gender is..............????

So today we got to go in and find out what sex baby is so that we can stop calling it an "it".
The exciting experience was sucked away by the intern lab tech because she didn't know what she was doing. She also had the TV screen facing her, so I was unable to see anything. She did say that baby was very active...I will have to take her word for it.
I ended up staring at the ceiling for 40 min until the professional came, took some pics and adjusted the TV screen so that I can see it.

So this little picture is the clearest one we have. At this time, baby was actually moving it's mouth as if it was talking.

So, for those of you that are big Sex and the City fans you can follow what I am saying. So while Miranda was pregnant, she said that everyone around her seemed a lot more excited than she was. I thought she was cold-hearted when I saw that episode. Well, I now know what she is going through. It's not that I am not excited, it's just hard to feel a connection at this point in time.
Obviously with my body constantly changing, I do know that a baby is in there, but if it wasn't for the ultrasounds, I would have no clue because I don't feel any movement. So a lot of people around me are ecstatic with joy and ask me if I am excited and I try really hard to fake my extreme enthusiasm.
I know it will change the later I get into my pregnancy because by then, I should feel baby kicking. Again, it's not that I am not excited, it's because I don't really feel anything.

Male Personal Trainers
So Monday was the last day I was with the trainer..and thank goodness it was my last. I am sure he is a very good trainer for non-pregnant people, but since he's a guy and never gave birth..he has NO IDEA what I am going through.
He worked me as hard as he would a normal person. I was panting and sweating so hard that I was too tired to do anything the next day. Listen, I like to get tone like the next person, but I am pregnant and kinda want and need to take it easy. I thought that I would be benefiting from his workouts, but instead it made me hate the gym even more.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Umm, what was I going to say?

Call it pregnancy amnesia, momnesia, or mommy brain...whatever it is...I have it.  I have heard about this so-called myth where for some reason, you lose track of your memory. I was for sure thinking that this will never EVER happen to me because I am uber organized, I plan everything ahead of time, and I have lists for things.

Well, unfortunately, I am hit with it. I find myself forgetting to do things...sometimes important things.

For example, our insurance lady wanted me to fill out a bank routing form to give back to her. Since all of my checks are at home, I would have to bring in my check the following day so that I can fax her the information. This email was sent to me on Monday. I finally faxed her the info on Thurs.

Another instance, a rep asked me if I could email him some information regarding our demo calls. I was happy to oblige and was intending to do that right when I got back to my desk. Fast forward to the end of the day where he reminds me to send him the info.

And sadly enough, as much as I love eat....I forget to eat my midday snack..which I truly pay for with the lightheadedness and extreme hunger later in the day.

Loving the energy
I cannot believe how much energy I have now. I have been very consistent at the gym and am finally able to do my strength training exercises with the normal 12lb-15lb dumbbells. I met with a personal trainer and he showed me some really good routines to do while I am pregnant. I am seeing him again tonight, to which I am not looking forward to. The trainer kicked my butt last week and I know he is not showing any mercy on me tonight.

On Sat I was able to finally get outside for a nice 4 mile run. The weather here is just beautiful, it was 74 degrees all weekend. The run was easy and it felt really good to be out there again, doing what I love. I got a few smiles and nods from fellow runners when they saw me run (like a turtle) with my big belly.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ADD cravings are back

Yup, when I am in charge of grocery shopping and I do it alone before I have eaten, it's never a pretty site. A few months ago, I went nuts and bought every gross processed food you could think of. I wasn't THAT bad this time around, but I did get some mini frozen pork egg rolls and a large ice cream turtle pie. The pork egg rolls were great, but after a slice of the turtle pie, I realized that I didn't want it anymore.
This has pretty much been the norm. Just come over and check out my freezer full of food that I don't want.

Lions, tigers and marathons oh my!
So my love of running 26.2 miles have not diminished even though I am pretty much benched from doing that sort of distance for the time being. After watching Al and Merideth from The Today Show, show clips of their NYC Marathon experience, it lit the fire for my desire to get out and tackle it again.
I signed up for the NYC marathon which takes place year from this month, but since NYC happens to be the largest participating marathon in the world, admittance is based on a lottery system. So, I will find out if I am accepted in April. Fingers crossed!!!! And, what better way to lose the baby weight than to train for a marathon.

So, I have heard of this phenomena but really didn't think it would hit me because:

1. At the time I was researching pregancies, I was a walking, tired zombie and couldn't fathom cleaning.
2. Even though I am a neat person, I will not bend over backwards to spic and span the entire house.

So this weekend, the first thing I did when I work up was clean. I cleaned EVERYTHING. Sure it was a little exhausting afterward, but that didn't seem to stop me. I do hear stories of women taking off the knobs of their cupboards to clean them...but I highly doubt I would be that bad.

Baby stuff
Since we don't know the sex yet, it's hard to go out and buy cute little outfits. I did however, find this cute towel and hand puppet. When I saw the picture, I couldn't resist.

As for the big stuff like the nursery furniture....I have a generous friend that is giving us her unused crib. And to help save more money, hubby and I will be hitting the flea markets for the dressers. I actually prefer the flea market because even though it will cost us a few hundred bucks, since the furniture is a bit old, it will be made with real wood..not like the cheap wood they use nowadays.
Since Dan likes projects, he will be removing the paint from all the furniture and staining them. Once we get all the stuff, I will post before, during, and after pics of this project.

I've always been a DIY kinda gal. It's a lot of fun, saves you money, and it really allows you to personalize the item.

Here are some pics I took of wedding decor I made. In order, pomanders, centerpieces, bridal party bouquets.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is that the baby moving or gas?

Well, I am about 16 1/2 weeks along....and baby is the size of an avocado. They say you can start feeling the baby move around about now. I have no idea if baby is moving or if I just ate too much and my tummy is trying to digest it all.

I would like to welcome my energy back with open arms. I am starting to not only workout more, but I am able to start cleaning the house like a mad women. I still go to bed around 9:30, but the energy I have during the day is just amazing.  So now, I am debating to sign up for the Turkey Trot. They offer a 10k and a 5k, so if I can talk my husband into doing this with me, I will give that Baby on Board sign one last go.

In order for people to not mistake me for a fatty at the gym, I went ahead and made some shirts.
It's kinda hard to read, but it says "Baby Bump" I have a few others as well that read "Running for Two and Sweating for Two" I purchased one for about $40 online and figured that they pretty much ripped me off. So I went to Michael's got some iron on letters and made them. I saved about 50%.

My Vibrams were in the wash that day, so I had to wear the Asics. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4 months....already?

Wow, it seemed like just yesterday where baby was the size of an appleseed and I had no idea what I was in for.
These past 4 months have gone by so quick. Before I know it, I'll be changing diapers and be deprived of sleep.

Now that the 2nd trimester has come, I noticed that my energy is slowing creeping back. I am now able to hit the gym after work and lift weights like I used to. I kinda have to since my nice runner legs are now ricotta cheese-filled thunder thighs.  My nausea has pretty much gone as well. But, don't be fooled, once the pregnancy Gods taketh, they giveth. Oh yeah.

Welcome to back pain.
I had the worst sciatica which is lower back pain near the tail bone. It hurt so bad to turn around to put my car in reverse. It was so bad, I started to cry one morning while trying to flat iron my hair. Well, thank goodness my insurance covered chiropractic visits because wow....the pain is gone. painful headaches are gone too.

Another pain that I can't get rid of is the on in my tailbone. This usually occurs when I sit for too long. I have no idea how to get around it except to lean forward at my desk...or sit on a donut.
Hummm..what else...Oh, I really hate bending over to get things. It's not painful but I just can't breathe and when I do stand up, I am so out of breath.

Where to put baby
Well, like many working mothers out there, we have to go through the process of finding an infant day care center that is not only affordable, but reputable. I had no idea that there would be wait lists for this sorta thing and If I didn't just happen to Google it the other day, I would have waited until the baby was about a month old. 
So let the research begin.

This past weekend we attended a really fun Halloween party. I got the dates mixed up in my head and was stuck at the party store without a clue as what to wear. The costumes are just ridiculous for women. It's like really....they managed to turn a friggen construction worker's costume into something really slutty looking? Since nothing would fit me in the store beside a pumpkin costume or  bottle of ketchup costume, I decided to just make my own.
I grew up playing games like Streetfighter and Mortal Kombat, which became my inspiration. Since Mortal Kombat was 'in" over 10 years ago.....they weren't going to carry any of the costumes.

I decided to go as Princess Katana...minus the fans because psi(s) are so much cooler.  Even though I a pregnant doesn't mean that I have to dress up all frumpy looking.

So here is my pregnant ninja costume. I am pregnant ninja because in this touch economy, even ninjas still have to work..even while pregnant.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Time to say distance running that is.

My apologies for the lack of posts, but nothing really exciting happened last weekend.

Normally when you finish a marathon or half marathon you receive a lovely finisher's medal, but for Nike, we received a cute little necklace from Tiffany's served to us by fireman dressed in tuxes.

So yesterday was the last of races that I will be doing until baby comes out. It will also be the last time I do any sort of distance running. I most likely would not have gone through with the Nike Women's Marathon because the long distance can be pretty taxing on my body, but I knew that it was for a good cause.

I was going to do a run/walk interval again and it was working out really well for 2 miles until I started to feel sharp pains near my uterus. After that, I decided to walk for the entire race. This task was not easy at all. Not only is the distance and hills exhausting, but my joints were all in so much pain. Everything hurt at mile 3 and continued to (I am still limping around) I thought I was really good at hiding the pain, but I guess not because it seemed that everyone we came across asked if I was doing ok and if I needed anything like ice or food. The way they all looked at me was priceless because they had a worried look as if I was about to pass out. :(

The course was beautiful, despite the hills, wind, cold and rain. I wore my Baby on Board sign as usual and got a lot of praise for being out there. I heard the usual "Go Momma" and "Congratulations" and "How adorable, God Bless You", but my favorite line was "Girl, you better be taking care of yourself ok?"

I did see a few other pregnant folks out there, one was as thin as a rail and had the energy that I used to....that's because she was only 2 months along. Yup, I remember when I was only 2 months along and passing people left and right at the 10k....funny what 6 more weeks can do to you.

I am grateful for so many Team in Training folks out there on the side lines encouraging and cheering us on. I am so grateful for my friend Hillary who walked the entire race with me because when you're in good company, you can accomplish anything.  And I am so grateful for the bountiful porta potties at the numerous stops. No seriously, I am because I had to use them a total of 6 times during the race....thank you again pregnancy for this wonderful ability. I used to be able to do full marathons with only using the rest rooms once.

Let me introduce you to Bob.

So the Bob Revolution, which is a very nice jogging stroller, is the first baby product that we purchased. Yes, even though I will be cutting back my mileage doesn't mean that I am giving up on running altogether. Once this baby comes out, I will be ready to start marathon training again.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


As I got up this morning and got ready for work, I just thought to myself that it’s coming to an end. When I say “it” I mean my races. Obviously, after the Nike Women’s Marathon, I will take a step back from races and training, and just enjoy running on a smaller scale. I realized how much I have accomplished in such a little time.
It all goes back to March, 2009. This was a very VERY significant month in my life and it was a month where my life was never going to be the same.  During this time, I was living in Boston with my then boyfriend, Dan. It was in this time where I learned the news that my grandfather had Leukemia and given only a few months to live.  I immediately booked a flight to California to see him.
During my stay in California, I visited my grandfather often, my other relatives and my 3-month-old little nephew.  I also enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather because it was cold and miserable back East. It was about two days into my visit that I get a call from my manager giving me the option of relocating to RTP, NC or San Jose, CA. Humm..not a tough choice there. Mind you, I have always wanted to move to Cali, but in due time……….not 4 weeks. The call was bitter sweet. Yes, I was excited to move out Cali to be closer to my ailing grandfather, family and nice weather, but bitter because that would mean that Dan would have to move away from his family and friends with such short notice. 

The other revelation I made during my stay was incorporate running into my workout regime.  Honestly, I have always hated running and could seriously only do about 1.5 miles before becoming exhausted.  To keep myself motivated into running, I signed up for the San Jose Rock n Roll Half.  I was a nervous wreck when I hit the “ok” button when I registered because this would mean that I would have to run 13.1 miles in the next 6 months when 1.5 miles already hurt.

That little button unleashed the obsession that I never knew existed in me, and that was the obsession to run....from my 1st 10k, my first Half Marthon, to my first Full Marathon. It is rather funny when I do look back because during my first full, I wore a veil on my head a a sign that read "Getting Married 3-20-2010". Now during my races I wear a sign that says "Baby on Board".

My trip came to an end and with that, came a lot of emotionally baggage. When Dan picked me up from the airport, he greeted me with a dozen roses. As we were driving home, we grabbed some dinner and low and behold, a diamond engagement ring was attached to a rose. Right there, in the parking lot of Bugaboo Creek, he got down on one knee and proposed.
So looking back at my 2nd year at the San Jose RnR….it made me reflect back at how much that has happened.  I moved from the East to the West, I was engaged, I ran my first full marathon, I lost my grandpa, I got married, I got pregnant, and now I am going to run my last marathon (for now).

Monday, October 4, 2010

San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon

To start things off, we had our 2nd checkup with the doc on Friday and am so glad to say that baby is healthy. We were able to hear the heartbeat and the doc said it was good and strong. I was ok to continue running.

That said, yesterday I ran the Rock n Roll half marathon which I was going to put off, but I didn't want my $100 plus to go to waste. I was so surprised at how challenging the run was.

I was already going to pace myself by running at a 13:00 pace with a 4:1 run/walk ratio. Everything was fine until about 1.5 miles when I really had to use the rest room. Right before mile 2, there was ONE porta potty and a ton of people. I had no choice but to wait in line. This wait cost me 10 min.

Because I was upset that I lost so much time, I had the energy to run at a 10:30-10:50 pace. BAD IDEA. Right around mile 6....I was really feeling the fatigue. It all went downhill after that. I ended up walking a lot of if I did run, it was at a pace where walkers were side-by-side with me.

I began to feel light headed at mile 10 and a lady was really sweet and asked if I was ok.

If it wasn't for the encouragement from strangers and from my Team in Training members out there, I would have quit. I don't run with head phones and I suggest anyone that does a race not to. Sure it's fun to run to your own music, but there is nothing like the cheering crowd to get you pumped up.

I also wore my Baby on Board sign and received so many words of encouragement as well. I also received a lot of cheers and questions regarding my Vibram FiveFingers and hopefully, I motivated people to get rid of their shoes and go barefoot.

I am especially thankful for a few of my Team in Training members who waited a very long time for me, so that they could walk with me the last 2 miles. Again, I was so ready to give up.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Almost there

Wow, I can't believe that this Friday I am going in for my 12 week visit. Has it really been 3 months that I have been pregnant? It seems like yesterday when I peed on a stick and cried in joy when I saw the words "Pregnant" appear on my Clearblue Easy pregnancy test.

So baby is about the size of a lime this week which is getting pretty big. My morning sickness is not too bad in the mornings, but around 3pm, it starts to show itself. I cannot wait to get to the 2nd trimester so that I can be rid of this morning sickness and fatigue.

I had a little scare last week and have decided to drop from the full marathon to the half marathon Oct 17th. I am sad that I am not running the full, but I have to understand that I have to take care of my body for baby. I am however going to run the Rock n Roll half marathon this coming Sunday..which I am excited for! I just bought this fitness shirt that says "Running For Two", so at least when I wear it while running, people will understand why I am slow......and fat.

I am finally getting more energy to workout a little harder, meaning, I can increase my weights. Since I lost a lot of muscle tone, I know I will have to work twice as hard to get that back now. And since I am not running a full (sniffle sniffle) I will not have to worry about the high mileage.

This weekend I wanted to check out some strollers. Looking for strollers is like looking for cars. I am never the one to just get something because it's cheap. I like for it to be practical, simple, modern looking and the only stroller that fit this was the Orbit Baby G2. Seriously this stroller is just so unique and pretty to look at too. My husband gave me it the thumbs up as well as we played with in the store. Sure, it's pricey, but the ease of use and it's 360 degree swivel will be worth it.

I see a lot of people with these ginormous strollers that looks poorly made, heavy, and clunky. I don't get it. Why on earth would I want to schlep around a tank that would be very difficult to maneuver.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sticks and stones may break my bones

In General:
Can I just say that when you're pregnant, you're suddenly a target for inappropriate comments and jokes. It's very strange, it's like when you're pregnant people think that you're suddenly void of all feelings.

 Just last week, someone said to me "You're awfully big for 8 weeks." I was embarrassed and responded with, "well, I am actually 9 1/2 weeks and I do have a lot of bloating around my tummy." She then responds with, "What are you having triplets?"

Oh no..not twins..but triplets. And yes, it was from a female....a mother in fact. I've also received wonderful comments about what I eat as well. Good times.
When did this type of behavior become ok?  I mean, seriously, when is it EVER OK to comment about someone's size or what they eat? The answer is NEVER. Unless you're my physician or nutritionist and practice what you have no right to make comments.....ever!

Ok, besides my little rant, my morning sickness has come back. It usually occurs around 2 pm and lasts for a few hours and then it rears it's ugly head right after dinner. My energy level is getting a little better, but doing physical things really wipes me out.

On Running:
My runs have been ok. I have days where I am able to run during lunch without an issue and then there are days when I have to walk most of the second half. I only ran 6 miles on Sat which was already very challenging. I am definitely not going to run the 20 miles this Saturday with the rest of the team.

For those that have never run a marathon, the 20 miles is the last long run before the race. You run it to ensure that you have the endurance and the will to complete the marathon. It does take a toll on you both physically and emotionally.

Since I have run a few marathons and done a good share of 20 milers....I will sit this one out. I don't have the strength to put my body through that right now. Also, this long run will be in Monterey, which is a few hours away. After a run, I like to shower and crash. I will not be able to sustain any sort of energy after the run to be able to make the drive home. Being that I am always exhausted now, it doesn't make sense to wear my body out.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My story on YouTube

I am only a few weeks away before the deadline of my fund raising and not gonna lie, I am far behind. I created a video to share my story and promote the efforts of my fund raising and Leukemia. Please take the time to view my video.

Food, festivities and a disappointing run

Well, the week was starting off really nice because I was able to get a run in during lunch and realized how much I love running. It was a short and sweet 4.5 miler and absolutely gorgeous out. Again, I took the necessary walk breaks that I needed and I couldn't have felt better after the run.

Unfortunately, my Saturday long run was cut in half. I only ran 9 miles and was supposed to do 18. I dunno what happened. I was getting fatigued, a little light headed and I lost all motivation to run the distance. I know that I will be able to run the full marathon next month because I will be thousands of other runners. However, these long runs drain all motivation from me. I am debating now if I will do the 20 miler with the Team in Monterey. It was nice that everyone was so understanding and still think that I am slightly crazy for running for two.

The great perk to being pregnant is the guiltless indulgence on food. Yes, before I was pregnant I actually counted my calories and was very religious about not over-doing the carbs. However, now since I can't drink, I can't have sushi, I can't have mass quantities of caffeine....I will in no doubt indulge on foods that I can have.

On Sunday we went to a street festival in Berkeley which had over 23 blocks of vendors. Since this was the first street festival that I have been to in a few years...I took advantage of it. I dined on polish sausage, funnel cake, garlic parmesan fries, shaved ice, some chicken bbq on a stick and a big ole bag of kettle corn. Yes my guilt.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Race to the End of Summer 10k

Well, after a few weeks of being benched from some virus I had, I was so glad to be out and running again. I was a little apprehensive because I had been feeling fatigued and nauseous, but that soon went away once we reached the race.

Since I had not been running for some time, it was so nice to be greeted from all of my Team in Training friends. Catching up with people definitely made the morning sickness go away.
My time for the 10k (6.2 miles) was 1:12, which wasn't bad. I was thinking that I would be a lot slower because well, I am pregnant and get out of breathe quickly, but I managed to have a really nice and faster 2nd half. Running the race definitely motivated me to get back to the gym to work out and continue my running routine again.
I also wanted to wear this sign to show folks that CAN RUN while you're pregnant, and I don't want people to, this chick is slow..for no reason. I did however, pass quite a few people which felt good ;)

Friday was the day that we got to meet with my doc and see our little jellybean. It's like, I know I am pregnant, but it just reaffirms that there is something inside of me, taking away my energy and making me pee so much. I did shed a tear when we got to see the pictures and listen to the heart beat. The doc said that baby is nice and healthy and that we can finally tell people. I am so ecstatic because people at work can finally know why I am getting so fat.

I have also learned that I need to stay away from the Internet. As great as it is with the vast information we can get at our fingertips, it can be pretty harmful. Seriously, every little cramp I get, I would freak out and think that something is wrong with baby. Everywhere I read, there is something that I should not have eaten. And the big myth about waiting until 12 weeks to tell everyone...this one I am glad was busted. I guess back in the day, ultrasounds were not as strong and so when people came in for the 8 week checkup, you couldn't hear a heartbeat. But now with technology being so sophisticated...we can see the jellybean and listen to the little heart beat.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Food for thought

I am 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant and baby is the size of a blueberry. Baby’s facial features are forming and pretty much all the organs and such have been formed. The organs were being developed during week six, hence the extreme misery and nausea that I was feeling.
I am slowly and finally getting to the end of whatever virus it is that I currently have. And I am happy that my morning sickness has dwindled down. I am still tired, but its not that bad anymore. I haven’t ran in over a week and am excited to run a 10k this Sunday. I know that I will not be able to PR, but at least I will be able to get out there.
I have learned that just because you’re pregnant and are excited to start a family does not mean that you have to love other children. For example, last weekend we went to Monterey Bay Aquarium for my husband’s birthday and I was already not feeling well from the morning sickness..but hey, I will suffer a bit to look at some cute animals.
There were little kids everywhere screaming in their high pitches that could break glass and just seriously made me hate them. Another thing that irked me was some moms. There was a sign that said “Please leave strollers in the corner”. Some of the exhibits were in tight quarters, but of course some mothers had to drag there friggen ginormous strollers in there to hog all the space and cause traffic.

Ok, if your baby is too small that it can’t walk around..why the in the world did you bring it to the aquarium. It’s a baby and it doesn’t care, it most likely has no clue as to what it is looking at. Anyhoo, here are some pictures from our weekend getaway.

Things I learned while being pregnant.
Its so strange how my cravings started out. At week 4 ½ to week 5 ½, the only thing I wanted to eat was carbs and comfort foods. Now the thought of some of those foods make me ill. So as you can see, my cravings last for a day or two…and that’s it. Our fridge is now full of unfinished food. It’s hard for me to cook elaborate meals, because by the time it’s finished, I don’t even want to eat it. 
Belly Bands

These things are a wardrobe savior. Trendy clothes can be expensive and so it makes no sense to spend a fortune on maternity clothes if they’re just going to be worn for a few months. Also, people like me that are in that in-between stage (where regular clothes are too snug and maternity clothes are too big) need clothes to wear that won’t make us look frumpy. I have discovered belly bands.  These are intended to extend the life your regular clothes. You put these things over pants or skirts that you can’t zip up all the way. I got these on Amazon and so far, its worked out pretty well. The brand I got is nice because the band is nice and long…long enough to double layer it. You kind of need to double layer it because you can see the out line of your open zipper.
A flight of stairs will cause you to lose your breath. I know…I know..I can run for 6 hours but I can’t even walk up a flight of stairs anymore. It’s sad, but it’s reality.

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's awesome getting sick while you're pregnant

Can I just say that on top of my extreme fatigue and pee breaks every 30 minutes...I am now suffering from some virus? I am coughing, wheezing and blowing up yellow phelgm and all before we take a nice trip to Monteray.

Why is the world so cruel to do this? It's not like I can go and dope myself with meds because I might hurt the baby. So lucky me, I get to have regular Tylenol. I read that it was ok to take Sudafed, but after my doctor's visit, she said that Sudafed can increase baby's heart rate. So....momma will just have to suffer for the time being to keep baby healthy.

So another symptom of pregnancy is night sweats. So besides waking up several times to pee in the middle of the night, I now wake up drenched in sweat. It also doesn't help now that I am sick. To combat the night sweats, I sleep with a fan next to me and a humidifier next to me to mist me.

I know, I know..this horrible feeling will pass and everything will be a lot rosier in the 2nd trimester.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Recap

Satuday = 14 mile run
Well, this pregnancy is really starting to affect my runs. My endurance has been completely cut in half. When I hit 8 miles, it felt like I just ran 17. My legs were not tired at all, I was just completely fatigued. I probably should have brought more food with me during my run and I normally pretty bad at that. They say that you need to replenish your caloric intake every 30 min...but I only brought one little packet of sports beans with 100 calories in it.  Anyhoo, I did complete my run followed by a very hearty brunch with my fellow Team In Training runners.
Sunday = lazy, sloth day
That’s right….I was a lazy sloth all day. I got up a few times to move from the bedroom to the couch in the morning. I just felt very nauseous and tired. I did get some energy and decided to be productive and do some laundry and cleaning. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the bath tub when I realize that maybe Comet isn’t so good for me to be inhaling.
I am making the decision to not run the San Jose Half Marathon. This half is just two weeks before my full. There is no point to run it. I only signed up a while ago because I wanted to  PR
Good news is that I am finally craving healthy foods like fruits again.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Another week has gone by without a hitch. Tomorrow, I will be officially 6 weeks preggos. This is when the little sweat pea's heartbeat should be beating.
I haven't been as tired as I was earlier this week. I went for a 4 miler on Thursday during my lunch and took it easy. I think the run helped give me some energy back.

I have been feeling more nauseated and so I just drink some Sierra Mist lemon/lime flavor to make it go away.

Since I crave savory comfort foods, this week I have made lasagna, shepherds pie, hummus (it can be comforting) and will try for chicken pot pie this weekend.

We have a nice 14 miler tomorrow morning, so I hope the carbo loading pot luck tonight will give me energy to it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Naivety

Today I was taking a look at my company’s maternity leave and at first glance thought it was pretty cool that we get 12 weeks off for maternity leave and sad that it was such little time to bond with the new baby….then my jaw dropped.   It was all UNPAID.
Ok seriously? Rumor has it…babies aren’t cheap. So with me being out of work to take care of our little  sweet pea and living in Silicon Valley, this is going to be some good times I tell ya.
But why? Why on earth is one of the world’s wealthiest country not instituting into law that women have paid maternity leave? Not only do many European countries allow for women to have paid maternity leave with their spouse..but it’s up to 14 months-16 months!
Forbes did a global rundown last year.  It’s both shocking and disturbing.
When it comes to paid maternity leave, the United States is in the postpartum dark ages. 

France, Singapore and Austria all offer four months' paid maternity leave benefits, and Germany offers 14 weeks. In the U.K., a woman receives 90% of her salary for up to a year off with her baby. Swedish mothers hit the jackpot with 480 days off at 80% of their salary, followed by their counterparts in Serbia and Denmark with a full year off at full pay. Even in Gambia, Somalia and Vietnam new mothers receive at least three months' paid maternity leave.

Track Workout: Mile Repeats

My appetite has a mind of it's own. I don't get that hungry for breakfast, in fact, after 2 pieces of toast I feel nauseated. However, come lunch out. It seems to be a trend lately for me to not only eat the lunch I brought, but also have 2 bowls of cereal afterward as well. I don't think that I will be the next poster child for Special K the way I am going.

I just wanted to sleep the whole day, but I forced myself to go to track. I figured that I had a great run last Tues at track and that I could get my 2nd wind again. Umm..not the case. The mile warm-up was brutal and I only lasted 2 laps around the track before heading home. I don’t know what I was thinking to even go that night. It was sad seeing all my teammates run at the speed that I used to. I did get the chance to tell some teammates of my situation and they were all thrilled. I kinda had no choice because I seriously looked like Shamu’s younger sister.
I got home, devoured some lasagna that I made the previous night and crashed at 9:00.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend Recap

This is a combo blog from this weekend and today. I didn’t get the chance to write, not that I didn’t have the time, but I was just too tired to do so. That’s all I am now..tired. I used to do my hair and look nice and presentable for work, now…I will just try to cover the pimples with concealer and stick my wet, showered hair in a pony tail.

This Saturday we ran a nice 6 miles. I was apprehensive on the run because I was running with someone that is fast. But funny thing is, she that my pace was fast. We did slow it down around the 2nd half and we did walk as well. I actually told her about my situation, so it made for a great conversation for the run…plus…I didn’t want to feel bad if I wanted to slow down.

Saturday night, I was finally able to tell my parents about the good news. We called everyone on his side to tell them as well. Even though the little being is the size of an apple seed, It’s starting to feel real.

Sunday..ah…Sunday. I had all good intentions of going to the gym, lifting some weights…and heading to Costco. Well, after waking up at 8:30 after a 9 hour sleep, I felt like I could sleep some more. Instead of hitting the gym, DH and I played some Lego Harry Potter. Hey, it’s a lazy Sunday isn’t it? We did manage to head to the Asian store to get some groceries and some much needed greasy Chinese food.

Fast forward to today. Again, I had every intention to get up at 6 to hit the gym for weights…but I was way too sleepy. Seriously, I had 8 ½ hours of sleep, which felt like I had only 4. I did manage to hit the treadmill during lunch for 3.5 miles. I was going to run outside, but the forecast said that it would be 82 today. The run wasn’t too bad because I was able to kill time watching Bobby Flay grill some stuff. I did slow it down a few times and it did become a bit painful to run because sensitivity in the chest region.  

Let’s discuss food.  First off, the docs say that a pregnant women should gain about 25-35 lbs. Really? Who are these people? I can probably do that easily the first 3 months. They also say that throughout your pregnancy, you should eat healthy foods high in nutrients. Seriously, healthy foods is the last thing I want. Before I was preggo, I would eat lots of fruits, enjoy a good meal of quinoa and have salads every day for lunch. The way I am eating now….this baby is going to look like a cookie. I have cookies every joke.

Even though I gorge on food that may not be deemed “healthy” I have to say that all the foods I am eating is homemade by us, made from scratch,  or not processed (except for the occasional Cheerios and Special K).  I never liked processed food or anything that contained high fructose corn syrup or an item in the store that had ingredients that you couldn’t pronounce, so just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.

Friday, August 13, 2010


So, the past 2 days I have been uber tired. I guess my body is angry at me for pushing too hard on Tuesday night. So, I didn't work out.

This morning, after a good 8 1/2 hour sleep, I got up and hit the gym for 30 min on the elipitcal. I must say, I do have a lot more energy in the morning. I was planning on doing weight training during lunch or after work, but I just don't have the energy to do so. I guess this is how it's going to have to be from now on...only able to workout once a day. Argh..the adjustments to make. 

Yesterday we had a nice work outing at the beach and because I can't have deli meat, I was looking for some vegetarian sandwiches. A coworker asked if I was a vegetarian and since I didn't think that one through...I lied and said "kinda". So, I have been able to lie my way out of not drinking alcoholic beverages, that deli meat conundrum almost got me. I can't wait until this trimester is over so that I can finally start telling people.  Until then, people will just think that I have just over-indulged and put on the pounds.

No signs of morning sickness, knock on wood, and I don't have Wolverine's super mutant strength of smell either. Yet, I am still blessed with fatigue, the need for frequent potty breaks, and bloatedness. is good.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Track workouts...means speed workouts.

So I was a bit apprehensive about going to track tonight. Even though I feel fine except for the fatigue, I was afraid to hurt the little being inside of me. I sucked it up and went anyway.
I had a bad run yesterday at lunch and wondered if this is as good as it is going to get being pregnant and all. I was supposed to do 4 miles but cut it to 3 and walked most of it because I was so tired.
Wow..what a difference a day makes. We did ladders drills at track and I had no idea where my energy came from. I seriously wanted to skip the workout tonight because I was so sluggish. So my times are good considering my fatigue. I know that I am capable of better times when I am not all preggars.

400/ 9:22
400/ 10:15 (supposed to be 800 but I had to use the rest room)
1200/ 10:24
1200/ 10:12
800/ 9:41
400/ 8:26

 So, I have yet to let the coach know about my pregnancy because I think that it would be all weird to tell her before I tell my parents (which I will be doing in person this weekend). I really can't wait to let people close to me know though. Well, obviously if you are reading this, you know too.
So the wonderful changes that I am experiencing....I seem to have a wonderful bloatedness around my midsection and honestly fear that my clothes are not fitting. I am bummed because I bought a cute new dress a few weeks ago and haven't worn it yet. Since I am not a quitter, I will find a way to squeeze into it.
 The other change that I am experiencing is the need to frequently pee. You see, I normally always consume mass quantanties of tea and always had to pee a lot. So whoopty do right? Well, now, when I have the urge to pee like in the middle of the night.....barely anything comes out. What a waste! If I am to be awaken in the middle of the night to better be worth my while.
Anyhoo, it's almost 10, which is now my new bedtime.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What are those strange shoes you are wearing??

These are called Vibram FiveFingers. They are supposed to emulate barefoot running. Barefoot running is actually better for you to run as opposed to those clunky expensive cushioned shoes that we were all brainwashed to believe that they are better for you. The human body is pretty neat by designing it in way to allow you to run without all the cushion.

I run in VFFs because I don't want to step on glass and poo. When I ran in my Sauconys with my over pronated flat feet, I would constantly get injuries from my knees, hip flexors and IT band. Now with these VFFs, all of those injuries are gone. I cannot stress enough how much I like and recommend these. Now people wonder, can you run long distances in them? The answer is YES! I actually completed the San Francisco Marathon in these.

If you get the chance, read the book Born to Run. It's a really good book that illustrates how running barefoot is so much better for you. After the book came out, VFFs were constantly sold out. I ordered these online at I actually got measured first at REI to make sure I picked the appropriate pair. 

This version is the KSOs (keep stuff out), which are designed for runners. There not so good on trail runs you do feel all the bumps and rocks. There are VFFs for those though, as well as for yoga, hiking...etc.
So go ahead, get pair. You will see a great improvement in your running.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday Funday

I thought that I was going to dread getting up early this morning to hit the gym, but I had a lot of energy due to the fact that I fell asleep at 10 pm last night. So my sleepiness comes and goes, and I really wish that it would go away when I am at work.

I felt nauseous at the gym, but at least I managed to do some weight training for my biceps, triceps and inner thighs. I had a delicious egg and sausage breakfast sandwich from Specialitys which totally gave me back my energy.
My lunch time run that was supposed to be 4 miles, was only 3 today. My ankle is all messed up from the 12 mile trail run on Sat. I also stepped on a very large rock that was very sharp, so I have a nice bruise on the bottom of my foot. These two injuries definitely hindered my performance today.

I am still getting used to the idea that I am going to be a mommy. I am still trying to get used to my clothes feeling snug. I know its normal at even 4 weeks to get the snug feeling because of all the bloatedness. Since I am not showing and I am not telling anyone at work yet..I can just imagine what people will think. Wow...she is really putting on the pounds lately. I will tell a few close coworkers within the next few weeks. Our company outing is this Thur and I already signed up to be the DD. I also passed on some wine and beer at our beer bash on I am not sure how much longer I can lie about not drinking.
The workday is almost over. I am looking forward to getting my new tires because a tire fell off my car while I was drive. just fell right off. And I can't wait to have a yummy meal consisting of marinated chicken with baked taro fries.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First Entry, The Journey Begins

Ok, so there are two things in life that I am obsessed with.
1. Shoes
2. Full Marathons
I have been running for a little over a year when I caught the marathon bug. I trained for my first Marathon on March 7th. I then ran another one on April 25th, and ran my 3rd on July 25th and I am now training to run a half in Oct 2 and a full on Oct 17.

I know that there are pregnant runners out there and I know that pregnant women have run full marathons as well. I have one more marathon to run this year, and that is the Nike Women's Marathon on Oct 17th. There is no chance in hell I am dropping out of this one because...

A. I don't like to quit.
B. I am running to honor my grandfather.

I am raising money in this marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. On March 19, the day before my wedding, I lost my grandpa from Leukemia. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to him. He fought courageously throughout his life and I will fight through the pain of running 26.2 miles...and honor his life. If anyone out there wishes to support me on my run because I am still very far from hitting my minimum...feel free to visit my website.

Anyhoo, his should be an interesting experience. So, all this week I have been really fatigued. I wasn't sure what was going on because It had already been 2 weeks since my last marathon and I have pretty much recovered. When the test came back positive, I kinda attributed my sleepiness to it. As for the other symptoms...I really don't have any. I already drink water like a fish and have to use the rest room frequently, so that will be nothing new.
My run on Thurs was actually the fastest 5 miles I had ever run at a 9:33 pace so I clearly had enough energy for that. Today however,.....we ran 12 miles on a very steep trail. I seriously felt like this run kicked my butt. I am so tired now and all I want to do is sleep. I wasn't hungry before or during my run. We went out for brunch right after and I didn't even finish my meal...which is strange because I can almost always finish up a yummy eggs Benedict with home fries. So dinner rolls around and we had Malaysian food, and again, I was pretty full when we had a lot of food left.
This is all new to me...being pregnant, be pregnant while training for a marathon...and blogging. I am very excited for this journey!