Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4 months....already?

Wow, it seemed like just yesterday where baby was the size of an appleseed and I had no idea what I was in for.
These past 4 months have gone by so quick. Before I know it, I'll be changing diapers and be deprived of sleep.

Now that the 2nd trimester has come, I noticed that my energy is slowing creeping back. I am now able to hit the gym after work and lift weights like I used to. I kinda have to since my nice runner legs are now ricotta cheese-filled thunder thighs.  My nausea has pretty much gone as well. But, don't be fooled, once the pregnancy Gods taketh, they giveth. Oh yeah.

Welcome to back pain.
I had the worst sciatica which is lower back pain near the tail bone. It hurt so bad to turn around to put my car in reverse. It was so bad, I started to cry one morning while trying to flat iron my hair. Well, thank goodness my insurance covered chiropractic visits because wow....the pain is gone. And.....my painful headaches are gone too.

Another pain that I can't get rid of is the on in my tailbone. This usually occurs when I sit for too long. I have no idea how to get around it except to lean forward at my desk...or sit on a donut.
Hummm..what else...Oh, I really hate bending over to get things. It's not painful but I just can't breathe and when I do stand up, I am so out of breath.

Where to put baby
Well, like many working mothers out there, we have to go through the process of finding an infant day care center that is not only affordable, but reputable. I had no idea that there would be wait lists for this sorta thing and If I didn't just happen to Google it the other day, I would have waited until the baby was about a month old. 
So let the research begin.

This past weekend we attended a really fun Halloween party. I got the dates mixed up in my head and was stuck at the party store without a clue as what to wear. The costumes are just ridiculous for women. It's like really....they managed to turn a friggen construction worker's costume into something really slutty looking? Since nothing would fit me in the store beside a pumpkin costume or  bottle of ketchup costume, I decided to just make my own.
I grew up playing games like Streetfighter and Mortal Kombat, which became my inspiration. Since Mortal Kombat was 'in" over 10 years ago.....they weren't going to carry any of the costumes.

I decided to go as Princess Katana...minus the fans because psi(s) are so much cooler.  Even though I a pregnant doesn't mean that I have to dress up all frumpy looking.

So here is my pregnant ninja costume. I am pregnant ninja because in this touch economy, even ninjas still have to work..even while pregnant.

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