Sunday, January 23, 2011

Been so long

I know, I know, I have been quite lazy with my posts.

So, now I am 7 months pregnant and officially in my third last trimester. I can't believe how fast time is flying and that I only have a few months left until our family will have another member.
I am definitely feeling her kick now and know that it's not gas. She likes to hang out near my bladder which causes me to go a lot more frequent than I need to, which I guess is better than crushing my lungs.
We are currently house hunting, so even though we have pretty much all the major furniture for the nursery, nothing is set up, so sorry, no pics at this time.

Working Out
I am feeling good and am no longer running, but instead, briskly walking. When I am at the gym, I still strength train and use the normal lbs that I used pre-preggars and  I do at least a 20 min walk on the treadmill.  When I am out on a trail it's about 2.5-3 miles..which is almost an hour. Those long walks outside are tough, not because they're exhausting, but because there are no restrooms close by. I do have days where I am completely exhausted though, but I guess that's normal. I will still keep active and work until my water breaks.

NBC The Biggest Loser
So if you caught last season's The Biggest Loser, the lady I am pictured with may look familiar. She is Ada Wong and when I watched her last season, I could not have been more inspired and touched.
She goes to my gym and her trainer, who is also at my gym, holds a run every 4 weeks, so I was able to get out and meet her.

My new Vibram FiveFingers
My old ones finally gave away last week and so I just got these pair and tested them out this morning. I seriously should get some sort of royalties for being a VFF spokeswoman because each time I wear them, someone asks me how I like them.